Technophage congratulates INFARMED, I.P. on the approval of phage therapy in Portugal, a groundbreaking achievement celebrated alongside the release of the “Guiding Standard on the Use of Compounded Medications for Phage Therapy in the Hospital Context – Magistral Preparations of Bacteriophages.”
This milestone signifies substantial progress in advancing phage-based therapies, highlighting their potential to address antimicrobial resistance and tackle difficult-to-treat infections where no alternatives exist. It also emphasizes the critical need to simultaneously follow the standard clinical trial pathway to ensure the availability of safe and effective commercial products for the global population.
With almost two decades of expertise, Technophage remains dedicated to the development, characterization, and manufacturing of high-quality phage cocktails, ensuring readiness to support the treatment of patients in need.
Having already facilitated compassionate-use treatments in Israel and France, the company emphasizes the importance of making these innovative therapies available in Portugal, adhering to the highest clinical and quality standards to benefit vulnerable and critically ill patients.